Annual report pursuant to Section 13 and 15(d)

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity - USD ($)
Common Stock [Member]
Preferred Stock [Member]
Additional Paid In Capital [Member]
Accumulated Deficit [Member]
Balance at Dec. 31, 2018 $ 29,433 $ 6,100,182 $ 126,125,976 $ (111,373,608) $ 20,881,983
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2018 29,433,135 16,017,101.733      
Compensation expense relating to option issuances 552,997 552,997
Issuance of common stock - shelf takedown, net of expenses $ 16,667 11,334,010 11,350,676
Issuance of common stock - shelf takedown, net of expenses, shares 16,666,668      
Series C dividend $ 413,214 (413,214)
Series C dividend, shares 12.208      
Issuance of common stock in exchange for services $ 25 11,975 12,000
Issuance of common stock in exchange for services, shares 25,000      
Net loss (15,566,003) (15,566,003)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2019 $ 46,125 $ 6,513,396 138,024,957 (127,352,826) 17,231,652
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2019 46,124,803 16,017,113.941      
Compensation expense relating to option issuances 1,491,165 1,491,165
Issuance of common stock from warrant exercise $ 5,680 5,176,723 5,182,403
Issuance of common stock from warrant exercise, shares 5,680,114        
Series C dividend $ 661,458 (661,458)
Series C dividend, shares 19.542      
Issuance of common stock and warrants for the acquisition of Noachis Terra $ 9,200 8,021,499 8,030,699
Issuance of common stock and warrants for the acquisition of Noachis Terra, shares 9,200,000      
November 2020 public offering of common stock- net of expenses $ 16,318 5,383,057 5,399,375
November 2020 public offering of common stock- net of expenses, shares 16,317,567      
December 2020 registered direct offering of common stock- net of expenses $ 14,444 5,925,556 5,940,000
December 2020 registered direct offering of common stock- net of expenses, shares 14,444,444      
Net loss   (26,430,699) (26,430,699)
Balance at Dec. 31, 2020 $ 91,767 $ 7,174,854 $ 164,022,957 $ (154,444,983) $ 16,844,595
Balance, shares at Dec. 31, 2020 91,766,928 16,017,133.483